Design Resources
by Jeremy D. Cherry
Over the years, I’ve had a lot of design-loving folks ask me for my favorite resources. So, I decided to curate a list of design resources from all over the interwebs. I’m grateful to pass along the wisdom that’s been given to me. So, this is a huge thank you to those who shared resources with me.
Brand New: Branding inspiration for days
Typewolf: Best inspiration for web typography
SiteInspire: Most beautiful sites on the web
Sister Corita Kent: The biggest heart in design
Michael Beirut: One of graphic design’s GOATs
Paula Scher: An absolute design legend
Bruce Mau: Your favorite designer’s favorite designer
Frank Chimero: Designer, writer, thinker
Roman Mars: Design podcast pioneer
Co.Design: Fast Company’s design section
Great Discontent: More interviews with global creatives
UX Collective: Collaborative publication for UX Design
Offscreen: An offline magazine about the online world
Center for Humane Tech: Supporting ethical tech innovation
Humane by Design: Resources that help you design for humans
Jigsaw: Google’s iniative for a safer web
The Shape of Design: Frank Chimero’s exploration into craft
Resilient Web Design: Jeremy Keith’s look at a more resilient web
Designing Hope: Jeremy Cherry’s fearless self-promotion
Story Matters: Collection of the best stories online
Dense Discovery: Weekly digest for all things design
Sidebar: Daily digest of all things digital
TED Talks:
Michael Bierut: How to design a library that makes kids read
Debbie Millman: How symbols and brands shape our humanity
Roman Mars: Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing
Tristan Harris: How tech companies control billions of minds
99% Invisible: Roman Mars’ world of design
Nice Try!: Avery Trufelman’s look at failed design experiments
The Rabbit Hole: New York Times’ deep-dive into YouTube culture
Reply All: Gimlet’s podcast about the internet
What is design?: Koos Looijesteijn’s definition of design
Reading Design: Online archive of critical writing about design
- Almost everything I learned in design school
10 Things You Can’t Learn in Design School: Some personal wisdom
Better Web Type: Matej Latin’s resource on web typography
A Book Apart: Brief books for people who design, write, and code
Rosenfeld Media: Wordclass thoughts leaders in User Experience
User Experience Glossary: Qualtric’s glossary UX terminology
For Kids:
UX Design for Kids: UX design resources for kids
Kids’ Computer Essentials: Graphic Design: Learn graphic design